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Brownian motion

Classical energetic matter motion


Basic observations and Thomas Young’s two slits phenomenon are the same energetic matter behavior


Dr. Tejman Chaim

Wave theory United Nature theory

The theory of everything


 "Logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it."

A. Einstein, 1933  


I was very happy to discover that one of the more important researches of nature and physics, Robert Brown, was a doctor that worked in the same way as I do. In the morning I accepted patience at the hospital and laboratory research, and in the late hours of the night we both researched sciences. I would like to mention that many important researches have been done by doctors such as the one by Luigi Galvani, Thomas Young and Charles Darwin. This Brownian motion is similar to 'primitive' natural behavior which is in great similarity to Van der Waals, Coriolis and Casimir forces that are still beyond our perception. 


My work resembles to Darwin's, Mendel’s and Mendeleev’s works which along with wave theory, attempt to explain the behavior of this nature's Brownian motion. Everything can be seen in Nature but its behavior is so sophisticated that one must fully use common sense to understand it. The cybernetic virtual application of our daily life has changed our approach to science. The duality of matter as accepted in the 20th century is replaced by interpretation of matter, by energetic matter (condensed energetic space time). The energetic matter, in different phases and forms is the key element of the universe. Energetic matter is an initial term used to introduce this sophisticated creation, which is still beyond our reach.


Brownian motion existence is not limited to water and air, but it is a fundamental characteristic of all energetic matter formation. This necessity is due to the living nature of the energetic matter, it is a living creation in constant motion. The evidence to the importance of Brownian motion is that it is the subject of one of Einstein's five most important papers. With his ingenious intention Einstein felt that the Brownian motion is one of the most important nature behaviors, similar to lasers, which disturbed him probably because they are the key to recognize energetic matter behavior.

By the two semi-loops theory, only united natural theory can explain Brownian  motion and Young’s two slits phenomenon that are only a part of the  knowledge required to understand the behavior of the universe.

Guoy believed that the Brownian motion shows that molecules are within continuous motion… Right! But how?


In some places the accumulation of energetic matter that creates swirls (as pictured above) in water appears. This phenomenon is very familiar to us when we sit near the pool or a river and that is exactly Brownian motion. We can easily spot small swirls that appear and disappear. The sea swirls are the result of the accumulation that water receive from the sun or from the water itself and the energetic matter accumulates in a specific area, then creates a swirl. This swirl is similar to a black hole’s behavior. The energy from outside and peripheral areas in the water behaves like Einstein’s space curvature and pushes this energetic matter inside the swirl formation – Brownian motion.



At the most concentrated point of the swirl (similar to singularity in black holes), an energetic matter is ejected out of the swirl back to the space - that is Brownian motion.  Experienced swimmers that encounter a swirl know that they must go with the swirl’s motion in order to escape and finally they are expelled from swirl.

We can see in a very clear way the Brownian motion phenomenon in water where the center is the most energetic part and also the calmness, while around the swirl there is a very strong motion of energetic matter. This behavior is known from hurricane researches. Pilots that flew in these hurricane swirls reported that the center of the hurricane is the quietest, and around the center the winds are the strongest and the most dangerous for flying.

This Brownian motion explains beautifully that this one energetic matter has two different behaviors (two faces). This phenomenon explains the behavior of energetic matter.




Magnetic semi-loop of hurricane motion (courtesy of Hubble space telescope)






The wonderful picture above from the Hubble space telescope, shows the motion of energetic matter which is exactly the way in which the Brownian motion behaves. This energetic activity appears in every formation and the large amount of concentrate energetic matter might be the reason for supernova explosions.

This energetic matter concentration can also be found in solid formations.










Motion of energetic matter:
















(a): a zoomed in segment of image 1 displays energetic concentration from which energetic paths evolve. These paths create magnetic and electric swirls (semi loop); these are the similarities between energetic matter motion and Brownian motion
(b): this is my view of energetic matter motion; however it is still far from a complete understanding of the sophisticated and ingenious behavior of energy paths.
(c)+(f): These images from the Hubble telescope are examples of energetic motion.

(d)+(e)+(g): My understanding of energetic matter motion.





The following images are taken from the article titled "photon motion" which might help us understand the Brownian motion.




Upper row: schematic description of energetic matter motion as displayed in "photon motion wave theory" (see the chapter: energetic matter moving – wave theory).This motion of energetic matter on its own created force in superposition mode by creating two kinds of swirls. Brownian motion must be in the same mode.

In the time-amplitude domain (oscilloscope) we see only vibration motion, while in nature the movement is by two swirls. The propagation of energetic matter appears as two swirls by energetic parts and Brownian motion as well.


Water, which is a highly energetic material (mainly because of the high energetic hydrogen atom which has a large electron energetic space radius), is connected to the entire atoms by magnetic path. The space between the electron and atom is not empty in universe quantum (wave formation). We do not have empty spaces of energetic matter. Every space is filled with energetic matter (plasma – which can roughly be described as condensed) also known as Van Der Waals forces, London or Casimir forces. Electron motion is propelled by its own atomic energetic matter - continues circulation of energetic matter in closed formation by its own energy.

Small elements in water become the energy from the hydrogen electrons and express the motion of energetic matter by Van Der Waals forces, Coriolis force and Brownian motion.

The smaller the particle is in water, the more obvious oscillation (rotation) is visible. With larger energetic matter, it rotates slower.

For example, large young galaxies with a distance between its two semi-loops rotate very slowly. But in neutrino, where the magnetic semi-loop is dominant and the energetic semi loop is almost negligible the rotation is greater than in a photon which is larger than neutrino.

When we warm water (adding energy), the Brownian motion of the small particles is more prominent. The energy is first accepted by the hydrogen electrons space atoms and then transmitted by the electrons to particles in the water. The motion of the particles obeys the laws of energetic matter behavior.

The Brownian motion is not a chaotic motion!


We can learn about the energetic matter behavior from Brownian motion.

In my article about cloud formations, we see that the clouds center is composed of electric semi-loop while its periphery composed mainly of magnetic semi-loops.

Younger clouds are considered more energetic, hence display a bright center and have clouds scattered around them in the Rosetta pattern - exactly like in Brownian motion.

By observing the following pictures (similar to gravitation waves), we can see that every quantum has the same behavior.

Solar prominences

Gravitational wave

Antennae galaxies


The black center (energetic) is very hot and photons can’t escape. Wave formation has energetic part at its center and surrounded by magnetic semi-loops, but in different phase the image may change. Every quantum has different shapes caused by living mercurial behavior of energetic matter.

The particles by Brownian motion align in concentric rings pattern and the motion of the particles is around an energetic center.

In viscos suspension the particles has a very high energetic properties, and are condensed in the heart of the Brownian motion.

An egg

Brownian motion of small particles seem to be restricting their motion mainly around an energetic center - it can be shown to us clearly by nature; for example an egg contains a yellow center of energy and a periphery of white magnetic semi loop. A similar example is the Helix Nebula that contains energetic semi loops at its center and magnetic semi loops at its rim like young clouds formation.


As the particles involved in the Brownian motion become more and more energetic, they seem to defy gravity more easily and rise upwards.

Two slits (Young’s phenomenon)

photon’s refraction





Arising structures from the Brownian motion of falling particles.



Upper view of Brownian motion

Side view of Brownian motion


It is surprising to see that Brownian motion and Young’s two semi-loops phenomenon are actually the same energetic matter behavior.



Small or large quantum must have the same behavior (A. Einstein).





Wave theory explains Brownian motion and Brownian motion confirms the validity of wave theory.


© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry  2005

The theory of everything



Brown, Robert, "A brief account of microscopical observations made in the months of June, July and August, 1827, on the particles contained in the pollen of plants; and on the general existence of active molecules in organic and inorganic bodies." Phil. Mag. 4, 161-173, 1828. (PDF version of original paper including a subsequent defense by Brown of his original observations, Additional remarks on active molecules.)


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